Lots of alewives!

The air is full of birds and the fish ladder is full of alewives! That magical time of year has begun!  That said, is an interesting management time for those of us managing the fish ladder. The water in Damariscotta Lake is still very high due to all the recent rain and, to lower the lake level, a torrent of water is being flushed down the Middle Stream. That water is overflowing the boardwalk by the dippers so, please walk up Ladds Hill Rd to reach the footbridge, where you will find a fine overlook of the fish ladder and a close up view of the alewives. For photographers hoping to catch Osprey diving for alewives, the opportunities are endless! This morning I’ve see Osprey diving after fish, eagles joining in the fray, and cormorants and gulls everywhere. It’s an exciting time in Damariscotta Mills!